Monday, January 26, 2009

How to Decorate the Christmas Presents

Here comes Santa Claus! It's time for you to gladden the people you love by offering them the most special gifts. And we think that is not important the present's value or size, but the attention and the way you offer it. Create a special and warm moment from offering an original present. Enjoy of a beautiful Christmas morning, opening the nice decorated presents.
There are some tips and tricks for an appropriate present's decoration:

1. For choose the right decoration style, you have to be aware of the occasion, the present's proportion, color, character and especially of the favorite colors, flowers of the person you offer. These elements have to harmonize each other and with the giving occasion.

2. The ornament has to be no more than 1/3 from the present box and to follow its lines. Try to make the decoration so that the gift could be guessed.

3. The wrapping paper or cellophane is good to have one single color, but if it has some inscriptions, put the arrangement so that these can be seen. For a nice present box, we recommend you to use a pastel or discreet color for the wrapping paper to mark out the arrangement. The decoration has to be a patch of color and point of attraction.

4. It's important to stretch the paper using a stick gel or an adhesive tape, to look clean and not crumpled. If it's case, overlap the paper on the below surface. What it's seen has to look perfect.

5. If you use ribbon for your decoration, it has to contour the box's lines. For a quadratic present box, make a little bow in the centre of it. If the box or simply the present has a rectangular shape, the arrangement or the bow is good to be placed in the left or right side, but not in centre, for a better present's outline. Assort the ribbon's color, material, dimension to the entire present.

6. There is a new trend: the flower arrangements for the present's decoration. These are made from a single flower or one type of mini flowers surrounded by leaves or verdure. Don't exaggerate with the floral arrangement's proportion. But you can also make a present from this arrangement, if you'll create it separately, just sticking it in the end.

7. Being Christmas, decorate the present under the Christmas tree in the Christmas spirit. For a little boy, wrap the toy in a cute and with car inscriptions paper. He'll not appreciate a flower arrangement attached on the box, but a little toy car will be the perfect arrangement. For your little daughter, buy the favorite colored wrapping paper and put on the box a pink floral arrangement.

8. Make sure that unpacking will not deteriorate the decoration. It will be possible, in case you'll decorate with a flower arrangement, if you use a floral foam of which base is an adhesive bandage. In Christmas spirit, use, in stead of the usual verdure, the pine branches, cones, mistletoes etc.